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Most Corrupt Political Leaders in the World


Most Corrupt Political Leaders in the World

There is a whole list of Corrupted leaders in the World but Presidents and Prime Minister’s corruption money is too much as compared to other small leaders. Here I will describe you a few most corrupted political leaders in the world. All these details is from Panama and Forbes and other informative sources.

Here I will Corrupted Leader’s:

·         Net Worth

·         Companies

·         Corrupted Money

·         Occupation

·         Year of rule

·         Background

·         State


Nawaz Sharif

Nawaz Sharif has been prime minister of the Islamic State Pakistan for three times. He and his family is involved in politician since 1990. According to its local people Nawaz Sharif had also started and completed many mega projects like construction of Highways. But as the time pass he got involved in corruption activities. According to Panama Papers, Nawaz had corrupted about 200 Million Dollars from the Pakistani Economy.

                                 Other the hand, according to the reveal of 2016 he and his family were listed as three beneficiaries offshore companies based in British Virgin Islands. The loan taken in 2007 for the welfare of Pakistanis was used by Nawaz for three expensive houses in UK. It was about 13.8 Million $. Nawaz’s rice mills, sugar mills and other factories are claimed to be construct from this loan. He also has many other businesses in included real estates, steel mills and flour mills. After the leakage of Panama Papers in 2016 he was declared to be the most corrupted politician of Pakistan.

He also started many illegal scandal to decline the charge of corruption on him, but opposition always disgraced him in this matter. In the recent years Supreme Court of Pakistan disqualified him for the post of prime minister for many years.


Sigmundur David Gunnllaugsson

Sigmundur David Gunnllaugsson has been president of Island. He became the president of Island in 2013, in the age of 38 years and he was the youngest prime minister of island.

 In his short duration of rule, he got involved in corruption. After the leakage of Panama papers, it got revealed that he hid all of his corrupted money by investing it in offshore company named as ‘WINTRIS’. To convert his black into legal worth he sold all shares and businesses to his wife for only 1$. On average, Sigmundur corrupted about 200 Million $.


Petro Poroshenko

Petro Poroshenko has been the president of Ukraine of from 2014 to 2019. He is not only the most corrupt leader of Ukraine’s history, rather he is also known as the “Destroyer of Ukraine’s Economy”.

According to Ukraine Accountability Bearue, the president has corrupted about 3 Billion Dollars. His name has been announced in Panama Papers and also in Paradise Papers. According to these reports, he has transfer all of its black money by establishing an offshore company named as “Prime Asset Partners LTD”. He established this company 21 August 2014 and he is the only CEO and share partner of this institution. In his defend he said that he didn’t do the work that a rich man of the world had not done. In addition, when Russia attacked on Ukraine he was the president.

 Kim Jong Un

Anybody know, Kim Jong Un is the president of North Korea. He and his family is ruling on North Korea since 1948. He is the cruellest person of Korea. There is a quotation, “Ultimate Power, Ultimate Corruption”. This country is also in this situation. In 1990, after the dispersion of Soviet Union, North Korea also cut out from “Official Rationing System”. Due to this there is a larger and larger difference in of rich and poor in the society of North Korea today. Kim Jong Un’s net worth is about 5 Billion dollars.


David Cameron

David Cameron is the former prime minister of United Kingdom from 2010 to 2016. He belongs to a rich family. Instead of this, he has charged to involve in corruption. By joining with Lex Greensill, he corrupted too many worth from UK’s Economy. But nobody has been proved his illegal corruption. Because he perform this task under a strong system and planning. To an approximate his net worth is about 200 Million Dollars.


Khalifa Bin Zaid Al-Nahyah

The king of United Arab Emirates (UAE) Khalifa Bin Zaid Al-Nahyah came in the list of world’s billionaires. On the other hand, he is also in the list of corrupted leaders. For wonderfulness, his home’s rooms and even bathrooms are also designed and illuminated with 24-carat gold. According to Panama Papers, Khalifa withdraw about 200 Billion US dollars from UAE.

 During his death in 2022, his net worth was also 200 Billion dollars. In London, he is the owner of luxury properties of 2 billion dollars. He made these properties with the help of Mossack Fonseca Company located at Virgin Island in UK.


Narindra Modi

Narindra Modi is the prime minister of India at present. He is the prime minister of India since last nine years and also the leader of Indian political party BJP. He known as a racist man in whole India. According to people he is a terrorist who is cruel to Muslims in all around the India. In his corruption, even opposite political parties of India get involved. No one took finger on him due to his pitiless.


Asif Ali Zardari

Asif Ali Zardari is the former president of Pakistan. He is the cleverest and astute politician of Pakistan. He belonged to the province Sindh. In early age his economical position was like a food wander. But his cleverness made him the president of Pakistan as the time pass. He is also known as the richest man of the state Pakistan, net worth is about 10 Billion Dollars.

Beyond corruption he has also been charged to murder of his dear wife Benazir Ali Bhutto. Benazir Ali Bhutto was also a political woman. In every affair of his business, Asif Ali get commission of 10% in every affair. Due to this he is known as “Mr. ten percent” in the history of Pakistan.


Salman Bin Abdul Aziz

Salman Bin Abdul Aziz is the king of Saudi Arabia from last 9 years. His luxury life style and economical condition says that they are on next level of corruption. His family is not billionaire, instead they are owners of about trillion of dollars. His name is also in the list of that people who made Companies in Virgin Islands and convert money into white. He has also property in Central London. Now he is the owner of about 200 Million Dollars.



Vladimir Putin

He is the president of Russia from the year of 1990. He is the most powerful, richest and corrupted person. According to a referendum, Vladimir Putin will be the president to 2036. Everything in Russia is under the rule of Putin. He has worth of about 200 billion dollars. He is the most favourite personality all around the Russia. He has held many ward and now Ukraine has been caught to its sight.


(Disclaimer: All this data is searched from internet. In case of any mistake we aren’t responsible. Thanks!)

Regards: Abdul Muneeb